Observe together.


Taiwan astronomical Observation collaboration Platform (TOP) 臺灣天文聯合觀測網 is a community comprised of students, teachers, and amateur astronomers in Taiwan. The purpose of TOP is to gather astronomical observation resources of schools at all levels and amateur astronomers to collaborate on all kinds of observing projects in order to cultivate the interests of scientific exploration.

Currently, we work on the ExoClock project.

If you are interested in our work, please contact Wen-Hsin Chen at angelwenhsin@gapp.nthu.edu.tw.


  • 2022 Teachers Training Camp 教師研習:2022「臺灣天文聯合觀測網」教學工作坊
    Date: 2022/03/05

  • Observers' Training Camp 臺灣天文聯合觀測網 - 觀測員培訓計畫
    Date: 2022/07-08

  • Remote Observation Sessions
    Date: 2022/09-now

  • 2023 Teachers Training Camp 教師研習:2023「臺灣天文聯合觀測網」教學工作坊
    Date: 2023/05/27-28

Observation Results (71)

Project Date Target Observer Observatory Link
Exoclock 20221202 Qatar-7b Chia-Ming Chang NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220405 XO-2Nb Yung-Shun Chen FYSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220627 TrES-3b Wen-Hsin Chen NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220709 Qatar-3b Wen-Hsin Chen NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220721 TrES-4b Po-Jian Chiu ZHSHS Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220721 KELT-16b Sheng-Ting Huang, Hung-Chun Hsu, Hung-Yu Chuang, Yun-Shuo Chang, Darwin Ho, Yun-Chen Hsu, Jui-Hsuan Liang, An-Lun Weng Yu, Wen-Hsin Chen, Bo-Yan Chen, Yen-Hsing Lin, Wen-Chi Cheng, Shih-Ping Lai, Ethan Yen, Wei-Kung Chi Starry House Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220722 WASP-2b Sheng-Ting Huang, Darwin Ho, Hung-Yu Chuang, Yun-Shuo Chang, Hung-Chun Hsu, Yun-Chen Hsu, Jui-Hsuan Liang, An-Lun Weng Yu, Wen-Hsin Chen, Bo-Yan Chen, Yen-Hsing Lin, Wen-Chi Cheng, Shih-Ping Lai, Ethan Yen, Li-Chun Chen Starry House Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220926 WASP-69b Po-Jian Chiu ZHSHS Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220927 TrES-2b Po-Jian Chiu ZHSHS Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20220928 WASP-77Ab Po-Jian Chiu ZHSHS Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20221002 HAT-P-8b Po-Jian Chiu ZHSHS Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20221222 WASP-50b Po-Jian Chiu ZHSHS Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230217 WASP-43b Po-Jian Chiu ZHSHS Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230306 WASP-65b Wen-Hsin Chen NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230311 WASP-135b Darwin Ho, Cheng-An Hsieh, Jui-Hsuan Liang, Yun-Chen Hsu, Guan-Ting Ye, An-Lun Weng Yu, Yen-Hsing Lin, Wen-Hsin Chen, Sheng-Ting Huang, Shih-Ping Lai NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230415 WASP-135b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230503 HAT-P-59b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230508 WASP-107b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230526 Qatar-6b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230527 CoRoT-11b Wen-Hsin Chen, Mu-Chen Hsieh, Chia-Ming Chang, Wen-Chi Cheng, Yen-Hsing Lin, Shih-Ping Lai (Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University), 吳孟修(國立臺灣師範大學附屬高級中學)、吳秉勳(臺中市立惠文高級中學)、林佑佳(臺中市立文華高級中等學校)、邱柏然(新北市立中和高級中學)、洪郁晴(苗栗縣立興華高級中學)、翁翎雁(國立臺東高級中學)、許芷瑄(臺中市南屯區文山國民小學)、許庭銨(臺北市內湖區東湖國民小學)、許喬銨(桃園市平鎮區南勢國民小學)、許瑋琇(臺中市立臺中第一高級中等學校)、連得宇(臺中市東勢區石角國民小學)、郭崑皇(高雄市立中山高級中學)、曾世佑(國立暨南國際大學附屬高級中學)、黃怡甄(臺北市立成功高級中學)、黃晟庭(國立新竹高級中學)、黃翊展(高雄市立前鎮高級中學)、葉奕昕(國立政治大學附屬高級中學)、葉庭碩(臺中市立臺中第一高級中等學校)、葉榮仁(彰化縣芬園鄉同安國民小學)、廖家賢(高雄市立陽明國民中學)趙士寬(彰化縣彰化市南郭國民小學)、蔡松輝(金門縣金城鎮金城國民中學)、鄭雅之(臺北市立誠正國民中學)、謝隆欽(國立中山大學附屬國光高級中學)、鍾儀靜(國立新豐高級中學)、羅珮珊(新北市中和區復興國民小學)、蘇敬怡(國立羅東高級中學)、段皓元(國立中央大學天文所)(依姓氏筆畫排列) NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230529 HAT-P-2b Mu-Chen Hsieh, Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230530 TrES-3b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230706 Qatar-1b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230706 WASP-90b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230707 HATS-50b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230708 TrES-3b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230715 WASP-80b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230813 WASP-93b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20230814 WASP-67b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231012 QATAR-1b Bing-Syun Wu Huiwen High School Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231024 WASP-59b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231025 WASP-12b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231030 WASP-2b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231105 WASP-12b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231117 WASP-12b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231117 HAT-P-62b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231119 WASP-10b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231120 TOI-2154b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231120 EPIC246851721b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231121 TOI-2046b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231122 K2-29b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231124 WASP-32b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231127 TOI-2046b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231128 HAT-P-32b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231209 TOI-3629b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231211 HAT-P-62b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231213 HAT-P-32b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20231228 HAT-P-61b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20231231 TOI-3714b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240101 TOI-2154b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20240110 HAT-P-25b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240111 WASP-11b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240112 K2-30b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240114 K2-25b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240116 HAT-P-33b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20240211 GAIA-1b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240212 HAT-P-69b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240212 TOI-2154b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20240213 WASP-49b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240214 XO-2Nb Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20240214 TOI-1728b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240312 WASP-104b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240312 HAT-P-36b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20240319 WASP-104b Yu-Hsien Lee KMSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240319 HAT-P-30b Ting-Shuo Yeh TCFSH Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240325 WASP-43b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240402 Qatar-6b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20240402 Qatar-6b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240402 Qatar-1b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗
Exoclock 20240403 WASP-103b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU TAT 🔗
Exoclock 20240508 WASP-92b Yen-Hsing Lin NTHU Observatory 🔗

TOP Coordinators

Shih-Ping Lai

Affiliation: Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University
Title: Professor
Email: slai@phys.nthu.edu.tw

Wen-Hsin Chen

Affiliation: Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University
Title: Master Student (Graduated)
Email: angelwenhsin@gapp.nthu.edu.tw

TOP Members

National Tsing Hua University NTHU Obervatory

  Professor: Shih-Ping Lai
  Students: Wen-Hsin Chen, Chia-Ming Chang, Yen-Hsin Lin, Wen-Chi Cheng, Bo-Yan Chen, Mu-Chen Hsieh
Website: https://nthuobs.phys.nthu.edu.tw/

New Taipei Municipal Zhonghe Senior High School (ZHSHS) Observatory

  Teacher: Po-Jian Chiu
Website: https://www.chshs.ntpc.edu.tw/

Taichung Municipal Feng Yuan Senior High School (FYSH) Observatory

  Teacher: Yung-Shun Chen
Website: https://fysh.tc.edu.tw/

National Chang-Hua Senior High School (CHSH) Observatory

  Teacher: Dah-Lih You
Website: http://www.chsh.chc.edu.tw/

Taichung Shih-Jiao Elementary School Observatory

  Teacher: 李明昌
Website: https://sjps.tc.edu.tw/

National HsinChu Senior High School (HCHS)

  Teacher: Sheng-Ting Huang
  Students: Hung-Yu Chuang, Yun-Shuo Chang, Darwin Ho, Hung-Chun Hsu, Yun-Chen Hsu, Jui-Hsuan Liang, An-Lun Weng Yu
Website: https://www.hchs.hc.edu.tw/home

National Kinmen Senior High School (KMSH) Observatory

  Teacher: Yu-Hsien Lee
Website: https://www.instagram.com/kmshobservatory

Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School (TCFSH) Observatory

  Teacher: Ting-Shuo Yeh
Website: https://www.facebook.com/TCFSH.Observatory

Supported By

Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University.

Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University.

國立清華大學 111年大學社會責任實踐基地(USR-Hub):清華大學天文台 - 宇宙導航計畫,區域創新中心 (Regional Innovation Center)


Technical Support

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